Name: Jonsdottir Valdis Ingibjörg
Date of Birth: 6 Nov.1943
Place of Residence: Akureyri, Iceland


  1. Qualified as Primary School Teacher 1968 from the Teacher Training College in Reykjavik
  2. Qualified as Speech and Language Therapist and Teacher of the Deaf 1974 from the Teachers’ University in Copenhagen.
  3. 3 months course for Teachers of the Deaf in Denmark 1976
  4. Graduated M.Phil. from Jordanhill College, Strathclyde University, Glasgow 1997. Theses: The Effects of Professional Demands and Environmental Influences on Teachers´ Voices in North East Iceland
  5. Phd from the 7th of November 2003. Graduated from University of Tampere and University of Oulu, Finland. Supervisors: Vilkman E and Laukkanen A-M. Dissertation: The voice. An occupational tool. Available on the web.


Worked as primary school teachers for 2 years. Worked as a teacher of the deaf for my own daughter born deaf for her first 9 years. Worked as Speech and Language Therapist in schools and hospitals in Akureyri from 1974 to 1992. Own Speech, Language and Voice Clinic in Akureyri from 1992. Have given voice lessons and lectures to student teachers at the University of Akureyri and Teachers´ University in Reykjavik for several years. Have also given lectures on aphasia to student nurses at the same institution. Additionally given voice lessons to teachers and preschool teachers for many years.

List over published articles 2001 – 2003

  1. Jonsdottir VI, Laukkanen A-M, Ilomäki I, Roininen H, Alastalo-Borenius M, Vilkman E. Effects of amplified and damped auditory feedback on vocal characteristics. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2001; 26:2: 76-82
  2. Jonsdottir VI, Rantala L, Laukkanen A-M, Vilkman E. Effects of sound amplification on teachers’ speech while teaching. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2001; 26:2: 118-123.
  3. Jonsdottir VI. Cordless amplifying system in classrooms, A descriptive study of teachers’ and students’ opinions. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2002; 27:1: 29-36
  4. Jonsdottir VI, Laukkanen A-M, Changes in teachers’ speech during a working day with and without electric sound amplification. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 2002; 54:6: 282-287
  5. Jonsdottir VI, Boyle B, Martin PJ, Sigurdardottir G. A comparison of the occurence and nature of vocal symptoms in two groups of Icelandic teachers. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2002; 27:3: 98 – 105
  6. Jonsdottir VI, Laukkanen A-M, Siikki Iilona: Changes in teachers´voice quality during a working day with and without electric sound amplification. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 2003;55:5:267-280

Other articles in Icelandic:

Óviðunandi hlustunarskilyrði í skólastofum Fréttabréf heyrnarhjálpar 2005
(2) :16 – 24
Raddskaðar eru alvarlegt þjóðfélagslegt vandamál þörf á lagasetningu.
Talfræðingurinn, 28 (2007)1: 27-29
Kennarar – starfstétt sem býr við mikið álag á rödd. Talfræðingurinn 17 (2003)1: 14 – 16
Hugsa þarf betur um raddheilsu kennara. Ný Menntamál 15(1997)1: 18 – 22
Þráðlaust magnarakeri fyrir kennara. Ný menntamál 17(1999)1:34 – 39
Hvað er kennari án raddar? Guðrún Sigurðardóttir og Valdís Jónsdóttir. Ný menntamál 12(1994)4:44-47.
Rannsókn á raddheilsu íþróttakennara: Fjórðungur leitar til læknis út af raddvandamálum. Skólavarðan 6(2006)1: 20-21
Vanræktur tvítyngdur hópur íslenskra barna. Skólavarðan 4(2004)1: 14 – 16
Kennarar. Heyra nemendur til ykkar? Skólavarðan 2(2001)1:12 – 13
Hávaði í leikskólum. Skólavarðan 3(2006)5:10-12

Reviewed 3 articles for Folia Phonatricia.

Proceedings in conferences´magazines
Nordic cooperation in the field of voice ergonomics. Proceeding of the first Nordic Conference of voice ergonomics and treatment. Helsinki 2009.
Voice ergonomics in Nordic countries with special emphasis on Finland. Bridging voice professionals. Zevende jaarlijks symposium. Stemergonomie een nieuwe kijk op stem. Leuven 4 feb. 2010, Oss 5 feb. 2010.
Interviewed by the media on voice problems and the quality of teaching being adversely affected by extraneous noise in the classroom environment.
Also I have contributed a few articles to the mainstream press on this subject.
The Nordic Ergonomic Voice Group
In 2005 I instigated a group of Nordic voice specialists including phonetricians, voice pathologists and acousticians “the Nordic ergonomic voice group” which has the goal to strengthen cooperation between Nordic scientists in the field of the ergonomics of voice, hearing, acoustics and communication.


3 posters:
a) at PEVOC 4 ( Pan Europe voice conference) in Stockholm 1998
b) At PEVOC 6 in London 2005
c) A poster at Euronoise in Paris 2008


Lecture at conference held by Voice Care Network in Cardiff England 2004
2 lectures at ASA conference on acoustics in Vancouver 2005
Lecture at XXIX Congress of the Nordic Association of Otolaryngology in Reykjavik 2005
Lecture at Voice Conference in Reykjavik 2005
2 lectures at Euronoise conference on acoustics in Tampere 2006
2 lectures at conference on Voice as an occupational tool held in San Antonia Texas 2007
A lecture at IALP in Chopenhagen 2007
2 lectures at Voice Care Network meeting in London 2008
A lecture at Euronoise in Paris 2008
2 lectures at NES congress in Reykjavik 2008
Lecture at The 1st “Nordic Conference of Voice Ergonomics and Treatment” in Helsinki 2009
Lecture at Nordic Ergonomics Society 41st Annual Conference NES 2009 Elsinore, Danmark
Lecture at Euronoise conference on acoustics in Edinburgh 2009
Lecture at Voice Symposium in Leuven Belgium 4. feb. 2010
Lecture at Voice Symposium in Oss Netherland 5. feb. 2010

Conferences in Iceland

Vistvænar forsendur í kennsluhúsnæði. “Hávaði og börn”. Umhverfisstofnun
Er hlustun lærð og nærð. Ráðstefna um tal og málmein 2008. Í Reykjavík
ásamt fleirum.
Hljóðvist hefur áhrif á rödd kennara og hlustun nemenda. “Skólinn- góður vinnustaður”. Málstofa um vinnuvistfræði í grunnskólum. Vinnís 19. okt. 2009

Research reports in Icelandic

Könnun 123 íþróttakennara. Árið 2004
Skýrsla um raddheilsu leikskólakennara á Akureyri, eyrnasögu leikskólabarna og starfsumhverfi. Árið 2005

Skýrsla um raddheilsu leikskólakennara, eyrnasögu leikskólabarna og og hljóðvist í 3 leikskólum Hjallastefnunnar. Árið 2007
Skýrsla um 71 íþróttakennara. Árið 2009
Verkefnastjóri í nýlokinni þriggja ára (2006 – 2009) rannsókn styrkt af Rannís um málþroska CODA barna (Child of Deaf Adults), heyrnarskertra barna (Eff) barna sem haf fengið kuðungsígræðslubarna (Cl) og heyrnarlausra barna (Döff).

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